Top Real Estate Agents Tell How They Do It: Jere Metcalf Podcast

285. Jack Floyd: How to Cultivate Experience and Create Opportunties

Jere Metcalf Partners Episode 285

Today I’m talking to Jack Floyd, partner to Michelle Floyd with ONE Sotheby’s International Realty and number 1 team in Ponte Vedra Florida. Son of a home builder and residential real estate agent, Jack grew up doing everything in the business from visiting construction sites with Dad to preparing homes for showings with Mom. “But I wanted to something different; I never thought I’d be in real estate” he says.  He wanted to be an attorney and even considered being a Psychologist.  He shares that he played hockey and thought at one point that he might have a chance to play professional hockey.

Once he was out of school, it hit him. He says, “I realized I know real estate like the back of my hand. I’ve been around it my whole life.”

After attending Florida State, Jack joined Chubb Development as the project manager of a 9 home private development in the Bahamas. He also opened, ran and sold a water sports business whose success thrived on hospitality.

After selling his business, he merged his entrepreneurial success, expertise in hospitality and his advanced knowledge and experience in real estate development, construction and negotiation  to launch his career as a luxury real estate agent. Today, Jack and I talk about, How to Cultivate Experience and Create Opportunities.

Jere interviews the world’s most renowned and best real estate agents around the country and the world.
These outstanding Agents tell their stories, how they got into the business, and what has made them successful in one of the oldest and most competitive industries.

All of this on the “Jere Metcalf Podcast, Top Real Estate Agents tell how they do it.”

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